The synthesis of6-hydroxyquinoline was improved by reacting of glycerin and p-aminophenol in the presence ofp-nitrophenol, concentrated sulfuric acid, boric acid and ferrous sulfate. 报道了用甘油和对氨基苯酚在对硝基苯酚、浓硫酸、硼酸和硫酸亚铁作用下一步合成6-羟基喹啉的合成法。
The nitrile ( II) ( 28 g) was mixed with 26 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid. 将28克腈化物(II)与26毫升浓硫酸进行混合。
Chlorotrimethylsilane was prepared, with trimethylsilyl ether and hydrochloride as raw materials, concentrated sulfuric acid as catalyst. 以三甲基硅醚和氯化氢气体为原料,浓硫酸为催化剂合成了三甲基氯硅烷。
On Antiseptic Treatment of Steel Tower under High Temperature and Highly Concentrated Sulfuric Acid Environment 高温、高浓度硫酸环境下的钢塔防腐处理
Thermal and thermo-oxidative degradation of chitin with ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate and concentrated sulfuric acid were studied. 综述了聚氨酯的结构与光降解、热氧化降解关系及其降解机理方面的研究进展。
N-octyl bromide was synthesized by hydrobromic method in which took n-octanol and industrial waste hydrobromic acid ( 48%) as materials, concentrated sulfuric acid as a catalyst. 本实验采用氢溴酸法,用浓硫酸作催化剂,以正辛醇、工业废氢溴酸(48%)及浓硫酸为原料,合成1-溴代正辛烷。
The mole ratio of octanol, hydrobromide, octanol and concentrated sulfuric acid were observed, as well as the impact of time on reaction rate. 实验重点考察了正辛醇与氢溴酸的摩尔比、正辛醇与浓硫酸的摩尔、以及时间分别对反应产率的影响。
Preparation of methyl acetate from methanol and acetic acid by reactive rectification was investigated with concentrated sulfuric acid as catalyst. 在中试反应精馏塔中以浓硫酸为催化剂进行了醋酸与甲醇反应制备醋酸甲酯的试验。
Even when properly adding concentrated sulfuric acid to water, enough heat generates to boil and blow the acid about. 甚至当正确加入浓硫酸至水中时,应充分产生热蒸沸并吹散硫磺酸。
Two processes with concentrated sulfuric acid recently appeared are reviewed. 对新近出现的两个浓硫酸水解工艺进行述评。
Synthesis of 4-nitroimidazole has been discussed in this paper. The neutral reaction of imidazole with concentrated sulfuric acid produces disulfuric imidazole salt, which can then be converted to 4-nitroimidazole by nitration reaction with mixed acids of sulfuric acid and nitric acid. 研究了4-硝基咪唑的合成,即咪唑先和浓硫酸发生酸碱中和反应生成二硫酸咪唑盐,硝-硫混酸硝化二硫酸咪唑盐合成4-硝基咪唑。
The features of ultra low carbon, low carbon and high carbon high chromium ferritic stainless steel, as well as their applications in the high temperature concentrated sulfuric acid and wet-process phosphoric acid production equipment are introduced. 介绍了超低碳、低碳和高碳高铬铁素体不锈钢的特点,以及它们在高温浓硫酸和湿法磷酸生产设备中的应用情况。
The tube contains silica gel impregnated with palladium chloride, reagent G and concentrated sulfuric acid. 检气管内的惰性载体涂渍上对一氧化碳有特效的显色剂:氯化钯&稳定剂G-浓硫酸体系。
Study on the Stainless Steel Resisting to Medium Temperature Concentrated Sulfuric Acid 耐中温浓硫酸用不锈钢研究
Stability of CL-20 in Concentrated Sulfuric Acid CL-20在浓硫酸中的稳定性研究
Para-nitrotoluene-ortho-sulphonic acid was synthesized from para-nitrotoluene and concentrated sulfuric acid as raw material in the mixed solvents comprising naphtha solvent and petroleum ether by liquid phase sulfonation method. 利用液相烘焙磺化法,以对硝基甲苯为原料,在溶剂汽油和石油醚混合型溶剂中用浓硫酸磺化合成对硝基甲苯邻磺酸。
Ammonium nitrate accelerated both thermal degradation and thermo-oxidative degradation, and ammonium sulfate and concentrated sulfuric acid promoted the thermo-oxidative degradation, but delayed thermal degradation. 硝酸铵加速甲壳素热降解和热氧化降解过程,而硫酸铵和浓硫酸加速甲壳素热氧化降解但推迟热降解过程。
Modification of polyethersulfone ( PES) by sulfonation with chlorosulfonic acid as sulfonation agent and concentrated sulfuric acid as solvent was carried out. 以浓硫酸为溶剂,氯磺酸为磺化剂对聚醚砜(PES)进行了磺化,制备了不同磺化度的磺化聚醚砜(SPES)。
Three new kinds of the sodium salt of sulfonated β-cyclodextrins with different degrees of substitution were synthesized and characterized. A simple synthesis method was employed by direct sulfonating reaction with concentrated sulfuric acid. 采用直接磺化法合成了3种不同取代度的磺化β-环糊精,并对合成产物进行了表征。
The reason for scale bloking in anode protective tube stainless cooler for concentrated sulfuric acid was analyzed. 分析了阳极保护管壳式不锈钢浓硫酸冷却器管程水垢堵塞的原因。
The PP-g-St fiber was sulfonated by concentrated sulfuric acid to prepare a strong acidic ion-exchange fiber. 然后用浓硫酸将PP-g-St纤维磺化,制成强酸型离子交换纤维。
Sulfonated EPDM ionomers ( S-EPDM) were prepared with concentrated sulfuric acid and acetic anhydride. 用浓硫酸和醋酸酐与三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)反应制备了磺化三元乙丙橡胶离聚物(S-EPDM)。
This paper studies the synthesis of β-naphthyl ethyl ether under microwave radiation with β-naphthol and anhydrous alcohol as raw material and concentrated sulfuric acid as catalyst. It also explores the effects of reaction condition upon the yields. 研究了以β萘酚、无水乙醇为原料,浓硫酸为催化剂,采用微波辐射方法合成β萘乙醚,并探索了反应条件对产物产率的影响。
Study on the preparation of PFS from iron-rich slag and concentrated sulfuric acid 利用浓硫酸和富铁矿渣制备聚合硫酸铁的研究
So far, potassium sulfate has been produced mainly by the reaction of concentrated sulfuric acid and potassium chloride. 目前,硫酸钾生产主要以曼海姆法为主,即用浓硫酸与氯化钾反应。
Under the fixed conditions, the FCC gasoline was pretreated with concentrated sulfuric acid and potassium permanganate solutions. 在一定条件下对FCC汽油分别用浓硫酸、高锰酸钾等溶液进行预处理。
The experiment optimized the concentration and the amount of phenol solution, the amount of concentrated sulfuric acid and the color of time. 优化了苯酚溶液的浓度和用量、浓硫酸的用量及显色时间。
Carboxyl groups generate on the surface of carbon nanotubes by using concentrated sulfuric acid and nitric acid. 本论文采用共价改性(强氧化法)法,用浓硫酸和浓硝酸混酸对多壁碳纳米管改性,使碳纳米管表面上生成羧基。
In this paper, using acetone solution soaking and concentrated sulfuric acid oxidation treatment, the two ways for the surface treatment of CB. 本文用丙酮溶液洗涤和浓硫酸氧化处理两种方式对碳布进行表面处理。